الثلاثاء، 2 مايو 2017

Serendipity movie reviews

Serendipity movie reviews
Romantic olds story at new movie
Talks the movie about younger, two people are apart from each other but maybe meant to be for each other, days brings them together. Kate Beckinsale played by Sarah in here, plays the good nice polite perfectly, while John Cusack played by Jonathan in here is costar
Both of them Sarah and John bump into each other at the Christmas sale at a New York mall in nyc, fighting over a pair of product they both like to buy it from there. But instead of fight more, they find that love from first sight start. Next few hours, they spend the most good lovely time of their lives, only talking,and eating ice cream. later when time to go home, they try for exchange their numbers but could not. Kate thinks maybe that it and then she and he just live their lives.
Years after that and in the middle of being happily married, true they are not settled in their lives and forgot about each other
Start to have some memories, about if they’ve missed by pursuing a relationship, what nonsense this to think of at the wedding day? Fot the happiness, they start searching for each other again for maybe they are for each other and discover themselves.
The movie ends in the same area where the two meet at park, Sarah and John finally finding each other. They finally meet for real and know each other, saying, Then they kiss.
What a superficial thing to do when its time to marry, why they did not do it before? Why to wait this time to break someone elses heart? And what the real person they meant to be with is the one they planned to marry but they didn’t because they did a wrong choice?

I did not like it, rating for this movie is 1/10 yea

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