الأربعاء، 10 مايو 2017

istanbul silky skins

When I first saw the commercial for this lotion, I was instantly curious. I am a collector of sorts of different types of lotion that I don’t particularly need. It’s more of an like, actually.
Last week I went in the store and saw the good price of $9 and some cheaper brands for lotion, I almost didn’t look at it. But I thought, hey
Maybe this is good and help lotion is not too thick or creamy; it’s just right. I wasn’t sure what exactly Strays-3 was but I knew it was good to make your skin feel really smooth.
I used istanbul lotion directly after showering and I was happy! I had been using other Cream Oil Intensive Body Lotion before but as soon as I started using Istanbul creams, I could not use others. This lotion also has good scents really good as lasting.

I have used many other types of lotion, and nothing compares to the size of this one. I always invite people to try these lotions. they smooth their skin and greed make it so.
All of my family like it also have over that needs lotion, I give friends this and they are liked it at how silky their skin this lotion makes their bodies feel.

I am sure I have converted some people to use this isntaubl made from turkey creams. The price has styed and I pay around $6 and some cents for it now.

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