السبت، 6 مايو 2017

code liver oil or fish oil tablets

Since I have part time work so I work few hours and that I do it while setting I do not go under sun for long time, I do not do outdoor activity a lot, and that concerns me. Its routine lifestyle that to slow and stress due to the not meeting lots of people daily like the working people. But add to this I try to eat healthy food but not all the time I do, so I thought to add some fish oil capsule to my diet. To make it healthy
Why I think like that, because some times I have low blood pressure, sometimes I feel too lazy to cook, too lazy to handle the kids and things like that. people say it may mean low Vitamin D. some say low omega 3. So I run to the store and bought fish oils and cod liver oil. The two are different in that Fish oil were extracted from the oily fish such as tuna salmon but Cod liver oil, is extracted from the liver of  the cod.
You will find more level of omega 3 in Fish oils and you will find higher levels of vitamin A and vitamin D in cod liver oil
The capsule is soft to swallow and made of Gelatine and glycerine

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