الاثنين، 18 يونيو 2018

super healthy food

Every month, the fda declares a new longevity food. and supplemental ingredients 

Organic Strawberries

Strawberries have been found to defend against cancer, support a heart, and reduce inflammation too
organic is good but also you can use the frozen one if fresh no
add raw and vegan cheesecake with a strawberry or make drink from it for morning


believed to be the super food is a complete protein, meaning essential amino acids. and quinoa contains nearly more fiber as other grains and is rich in iron, magnesium, riboflavin, and manganese. nutrients support body from blood cell production to great energy metabolism tissue growth and repair.
quinoa was determined to be healthy more of four-and-a-half cups for a week use only
Boost your health by quinoa oat banana bread. 
Bananasare one of the most consumed fruits and for good reason. The fruit is high in fiber, good to prevent asthma, high blood pressure,  digestive problems is incredibly tasty and for recipes.
not high in sugar and carbohydrates, many nutrition and, as a result, should be considered a bananas can be found in all 
 Sweet Potatoes

The starchy are delicious when baked, or fried. they are also highly nutritious only are sweet potatoes great source of vitamin A , vitamin C, manganese,  pantothenic acid, and vitamin B6. potatoes are source of dietary fiber, niacin, vitamins B1 , B2, and potassium.
sweet potatoes can be nicer potatoes, they contain more nutrition

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