الاثنين، 18 يونيو 2018


  • 2 Jars Green Vegetable Baby Food (I use Beech Nut Naturals- Just Spinach, Zuchinni & Peas because it has a superior calcium content at 8% compared to other kinds (which are usually 4-6%) and my snails seem to enjoy it more, but you can also use garden vegetable. Just make sure it's green!)
  • 4 Calcium Tablets OR 2 Tsp Powdered Calcium (I use Spring Valley Calcium Tablets and crush them into a powder consistency. MAKE SURE TO GET THE CALCIUM WITHOUT VITAMIN D!! Vitamin D isn't good for your snails!)
  • 2 Tbsp Fish Flakes, crushed to a powder (I recommend Omega One Color Enhancing Flakes, but any brand will work.)
  • 1 packet unflavored gelatin (I use Knox brand.)
  1. Start by crushing your calcium (if you opted for tablets) and your fish flakes into a power. I throw them in a ziploc bag together and crush with a large metal spoon.
  2. Empty both jars of baby food into a microwave-safe bowl. Heat for 30 seconds, stir, then heat for another 30 seconds. (Remember to increase heating time accordingly if you multiply the recipe.)
  3. Remove baby food from microwave and SLOWLY sprinkle in gelatin while stirring. DO NOT dump the entire packet in at once because it will clump and not dissolve into the baby food properly!
  4. Once the gelatin is completely dissolved into the baby food, you can add the fish flake and calcium powder. MIX WELL.
  5. Transfer the mixture into a container with a flat bottom. Make sure it's in a smooth, even layer like you would with cake batter.
  6. Place the container in the refrigerator for a few hours. (Or until it sets up solid.)
  7. With the snello still in the container, use a knife/butter knife and cut a grid pattern of even cubes into the snello. The size of the cubes should be proportioned to the number of snails you will be feeding.
  8. Turn the container upside down over a clean surface (I suggest laying it upside down on a cutting board) and knock/shake the cubes out of the container. You can also use the knife to pry a cube loose, then just use your fingers to get the rest out. You can then put them in a ziploc bag in the freezer. Try to make enough space in the freezer to lay the bag flat and separate the cubes as much as possible so they don't freeze together. They can be broken apart, but it's a pain in the behind.
  9. You do not have to thaw the cubes before feeding! I've found that frozen cubes don't cloud the water the way thawed ones do, but overfeeding can also cloud your water. I suggest only feeding enough for your snail(s) to completely consume in one day.

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