الخميس، 15 ديسمبر 2016

L'Oreal paris hair dye red shade review

Its a good price when you buy it on sale  L'Oreal paris hair dye in red, it cost about $10, but I'm very disappointed with this product. I bought it for coloring my hair after long time of sticking to the real color. dark tips and light roots so my hair could be fully reddish. By the tolerable smell i thought this product will be fine and work, left the hair dye for 30 minutes or more. Until started to feel little burn at head worked the roots first since I wanted them darker then the ends.  L'Oreal Paris hair dye During this mixing I noticed the hair looked pinkish! began to think I have to leave it on for half an hour more. I didnt mind. And as went to see the net like daily do, i read about washing the hair dye in the L’Oreal Paris by only water and conditioner, so I thought its fine since no ammonia, maximum leave on hair color is 30 min but added 15 min to make it better. After 45 minutes of waiting , I felt the color is dark red, though I bought it says its average red. So I removed the hair cover and washed it with water.

the roots didn't change alot!! The color was going out with the water, but I could care less because  that color was dark, but when I finished the color was so much light, that I the money was a waste, that strong color in the picture has nothing to do with the result I had, my hair after a thorough wash. Looked some how reddish goldish but not real red. It was such a weak product , I bought this sale  for promoting, but I guess its to finish L'Oreal paris hair dye, it since its not working much
Hope you benefit from this  L'Oreal Paris hair dye review 

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