الأحد، 23 نوفمبر 2014

Dior star foundations; megan fox look

Dior Star foundation is perfect girls, really covers any skin issue.

it is good to use if you want covering blemishes or acne. depending on your skin get the shade you like. I apply this over the acne really it cover anything seamlessly and no girl will ever guess anything was there,Apply this with a puff the places that have acne. It is important to use a powder over it so you look more normal. the puff will prevent creasing or build up makeup look. This powder is a is also from Dior, not mineral powder as i guess i preffer the normal powder. it is very finely milled, when applied.

the foundations from Dior are going to brighten up your faces. You can apply it with your hand or sponge, lightly apply also under the eyes and to apply a brighter concealer use a finger, give that Megan fox look, use this with the same gloss color.